1440 Recap

Jock Ferguson
1440 Recap

There are 1440 minutes in 24 hours...

Two Bondi legends Todd Liubinskas and Trent Knox had a plan. To take the energy, passion and community they have created in their notorious 440 run club and extend it over 24 hours on the world's most famous beach front!

In 2016, Todd and Trent founded the 440 Run Club with a vision to create a future where no barriers prevent people from moving, ensuring people live a happier, healthier, more connected life.

Deeply rooted in the 440 is a love for community and connection, meeting like-minded people and taking on extraordinary challenges and finding new ways to surpass your own expectations, and as an extension of this the 1440 was born.
As a Bondi based local business, when the boys reach out wanting Yes You Can Drinks to be involved, we could not be happier. Our brand is built around the same pillars that the 440/1440 is and about seizing the mornings after.  
Throughout the 24 hour event, we saw sweat, tears, cries of excitement and painful silence. Over the weekend it was 150 amazing human beings pushing themselves outside their comfort zone, fighting their own battle but not alone.
The runners, the walkers, the volunteers, the mothers, the fathers, the sisters, the brothers, the sons, the daughters and the public all contributed to one of the most inspiring events we have been a part of.

From little things, big things grow! We can't wait for the next 1440 - we will be sending a team of our own - and to grow with this amazing group of people.


Click the image above to view the full album of photos from the day.